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Open Water Diver

The Open Water Diver Course provides individuals with the training necessary to be able to enjoy scuba diving in open water.

This course includes both class room training as well as pool sessions for mastering underwater skills and verifying knowledge of skill before entering an open water environment.  The length of the pool and classroom sessions will be individually tailored to meet the needs of individual classes. 

Upon completion of the pool and classroom sessions two open water dives with the instructors will be required to again demonstrate competency in the underwater skills. 

Course Requirements

  • Health Checklist
  • Parental Signature (If under 17)

Equipment Requirements

  • Scuba Mask
  • Snorkel
  • Fins
  • Dive Boots

Course Prerequisites

  • None

Course Costs

  • $200


Class Room Training

Open Water Training

Information Request Form

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Copyright © 2005 Swamp Fox Diving
Last modified: 06/29/05